-Camera ok
-1080p video recording ok
-Nfc ok
-Sensors ok
-Wifi ok
-3G ok
-Phone functions ok
-SMS ok with >160 characters
-Add focal camera cyanogenmod
-Suppport Opengl 3.0 for better gaming experience
- Nfc cannot be turned off for the first time, reboot to turn off.
- You tell me
This ROM must be flashed via CWM recovery 6044, flash this recovery first http://www.fshare.vn/file/TMPAH2VYGT/ (pass if requested: minhhai)
Link ROM http://www.fshare.vn/file/T7WY4RKKKT/
Link Gapps http://www.fshare.vn/file/T3SBKKD58T/
Tags: Pantech, VEGA, R3 A850L, KitKat